What to Expect

How heavy is your backpack?

I believe we are born with our own little backpack that grows with us. We throw the hurts of life into this backpack, and close it up tight.

For many of my clients, unpacking this backpack is what the work is all about.

We will do this unpacking at a pace with which you are comfortable – starting with the lightest loads and moving on the crevices of the backpack as your emotional muscles get stronger.

When the backpack contains a myriad of emotions…

I had a client Mary (assumed name) who grew up in a household with an angry mother and a depressed father.

When her parents were upset with each other, the house would descend into deathly silence as they ignored each other for weeks.

As an adult, Mary was a workaholic and perfectionist, reacted angrily to feedback, was conflict-avoidant, and ran from emotionally intimate relationships.

In therapy, Mary unpacked her mother’s criticism and high expectations; she learned that her inability to accept feedback, no matter how small, reflected how angry she was as a child when she never felt good enough.

Mary unpacked her childhood experience of a romantic relationship. Although it was a difficult process, she came to understand that her own relationships could be rewarding and fulfilling.

Therapy is a way forward to a more enjoyable future.

I will be a curious, non-judgmental presence in your life – willing to explore the parts of you that are visible and not so visible to the rest of the world. I will share the load until your backpack is light enough for you to carry by yourself.

Together, we will create goals that will …

bring you relief

make you to feel safe and contained

allow you to talk about anything you want.

BUT, most importantly, I want you to feel EMPOWERED to embrace a new future.

Call me at (310) 487-6061 for a free initial consultation.